Forensic Socio-Psychological and Criminological Research Center | THEMIS

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"Comunicare in modo sicuro" is the first lecture in a series of lectures dedicated to secondary school students. Becoming good…
New survey by the Themis Center to evaluate the progress of "Programma il Futuro" project, an initiative that aims at…
The largest Italian conference about the world of data and innovation. DDI is the annual event where data scientists and…
A virtual presentation of the research carried out by Isabella Corradini and Assunta Marano on the phenomenon of violence against…
Si svolgerà il 30 maggio al Teatro Eliseo di Roma l'anti-evento annuale sul tema del digitale, nato da un'idea di…
Parte da Lanciano e Chieti l'8 aprile il progetto pilota per la sicurezza degli imprenditori che pone l'attenzione sulla prevenzione…
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Projects and Research

Projects and ResearchProjects and Research

Themis Center carries out research and studies in the fields of psychology, sociology, del law, criminology, health and safety at work, business security, communication.

Themis editions - italian only

Themis editions - italian onlyThemis editions - italian only

Edizioni Themis produces specialized publishing products in the fields of psychology, sociology, law, criminology, health and safety at work, security, communications.

Seminars and Workshops

Seminars and WorkshopsSeminars and Workshops

Themis Center is a partner of qualified structures for training activities and specialized seminars. Topics include: psychology, criminology, security (safety, security and cybersecurity), risk and security communication.

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Themis - Forensic Socio-Psychological and Criminological Research Center