Friday, 17 May 2019
"Comunicare in rete in modo sicuro" - Digital awareness paths
"Comunicare in modo sicuro" is the first lecture in a series of lectures dedicated to secondary school students. Becoming good…
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Friday, 17 May 2019
New survey by Themis for Programma il Futuro
New survey by the Themis Center to evaluate the progress of "Programma il Futuro" project, an initiative that aims at…
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Thursday, 09 May 2019
Themis at Data Driven Innovation - Rome 2019, 10-11 May
The largest Italian conference about the world of data and innovation. DDI is the annual event where data scientists and…
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Thursday, 02 May 2019
Violence against teachers - Themis Research Centre at InPACT Conference, Zagreb, Croatia
A virtual presentation of the research carried out by Isabella Corradini and Assunta Marano on the phenomenon of violence against…
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Wednesday, 24 April 2019
Il lato oscuro del digitale - l'anti-evento del DIG.Eat 2019
Si svolgerà il 30 maggio al Teatro Eliseo di Roma l'anti-evento annuale sul tema del digitale, nato da un'idea di…
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Friday, 05 April 2019
Confcommercio lancia i workshop antirapina sulla gestione delle emozioni in collaborazione con il Centro Themis
Parte da Lanciano e Chieti l'8 aprile il progetto pilota per la sicurezza degli imprenditori che pone l'attenzione sulla prevenzione…
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