Forensic Socio-Psychological and Criminological Research Center | THEMIS

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Saturday, 30 June 2018

Hybrid Cyber Warfare - Isaca Rome, 9 July 2018 Featured

Monte dei Paschi di Siena - Sala Azzurra - Via Salaria 231 - Rome 14:30-17:45 The theme of "hybrid threats"…
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Projects and Research

Projects and ResearchProjects and Research

Themis Center carries out research and studies in the fields of psychology, sociology, del law, criminology, health and safety at work, business security, communication.

Themis editions - italian only

Themis editions - italian onlyThemis editions - italian only

Edizioni Themis produces specialized publishing products in the fields of psychology, sociology, law, criminology, health and safety at work, security, communications.

Seminars and Workshops

Seminars and WorkshopsSeminars and Workshops

Themis Center is a partner of qualified structures for training activities and specialized seminars. Topics include: psychology, criminology, security (safety, security and cybersecurity), risk and security communication.

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Themis - Forensic Socio-Psychological and Criminological Research Center