Forensic Socio-Psychological and Criminological Research Center | THEMIS

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Thursday, 13 June 2024

Artificial Intelligence and school: the survey by Themis for "Programma il Futuro" Project

Celebration in Rome for the 10 years of "Programma il Futuro", the project promoted by the Ministry of Education and realized by the "Informatics and School Laboratory of the CINI" (National Inter-university Consortium for IT) with the aim of spreading the scientific bases of IT and promote digital citizenship.

In the Aldo Moro room, full of teachers and students of all levels, special awards have been recognized to the winning classes of the competition based on AI ("Our future together with artificial intelligence"), organized by the project team.

Enrico Nardelli, coordinator of the initiative, presented the monitoring data that the Themis Research Center carries out annually for the project. A specific section of the monitoring questionnaire was dedicated to the artificial intelligence issue, given its relevance for schools: out of a sample of 1,133 teachers (more than half belonging to primary schools) a percentage of around 90 percent believes that it is useful for their general preparation to know both the main AI concepts (machine learning, neural networks, ...) and how to use IAG tools. A percentage between 75 and 78 percent also believes that these concepts and tools are necessary for carrying out teaching activities.

Extremely positive results have been announced also for digital citizenship activities: currently there are 64,000 members registered on the project platform, 77 educational webinars realized by experts of digital area, 180,000 downloads of the guides on the conscious use of technologies and approximately 540,000 views of the videos associated with the lessons. A project that represents a national reference, considering that it has involved at least 90% of Italian schools.

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Themis Center carries out research and studies in the fields of psychology, sociology, del law, criminology, health and safety at work, business security, communication.

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Themis - Forensic Socio-Psychological and Criminological Research Center