Forensic Socio-Psychological and Criminological Research Center | THEMIS

Oikos-Women and Mediterraneo Research

OIKOS MEDITERRANEO - Research: The role of women for a harmonious, integral and sustainable development of the Mediterranean countries.

Project start date: June 2024.

Research activity promoted by Oikos - Center for the integral ecology of the Mediterranean, in order to investigate the various aspects related to the role of women in the Mediterranean countries, the heart of the Eurafrican area.
A research path that involves representatives of institutions, research centers and professionals with different backgrounds, in order to provide a multidisciplinary vision.
Themis Research Center is partner of the initiative, together with other relevant institutions, like Pontifical University Antonianum. Moreover, Themis, through its partnership with Themis Edition, will provide for the creation of a dedicated editorial series to spread the results of the various Oikos Mediterraneo research initiatives.

Here is the press release:


Additional Info

  • Anno/Year: 2024