Forensic Socio-Psychological and Criminological Research Center | THEMIS

A primer on Big&Open Data

The 2-year project (2021-2022) "A primer Big&Open Data" was aimed at defining an innovative Digital Curriculum to train secondary school students to operate on Big and Open Data.

The project was funded by the Ministry of Education as part of action 15 of the PNSD (National Digital School Plan) and coordinated by the Marie Curie Scientific High School of Giulianova. Action #15 of the National Digital School Plan (PNSD), in fact, provided with the creation of Digital Curriculums, in order to make them available to the entire school system for the development of digital skills.

The Themis Research Center was a partner in the project together with important institutions and organizations, such as the National Laboratory "Informatics and School" of CINI, the National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics, the University of L'Aquila, the University of Camerino and the Loccioni company.

More info:

The materials of the Big&Open Data project are available here:

Additional Info

  • Eventi del progetto:

    The final event of the project was held at "Liceo Statale Marie Curie", Giulianova (Italy), May 17  2022  

    Press release (in Italian language) - RAI Scuola

    Press release about the data of the monitoring of the project by Themis Research Centre (in Italian language) Brainfactor