BEING WISE (Behavioural Next Generation in Wireless Security Networks for Cyber Security) - COST ACTION 22104
Start date: 22/09/2023 - End Date: 21/09/2027
The always-connected world we are living in, gives us an unprecedented plethora of new advanced services and automated applications requiring, more and more, less human intervention due to the increased integration of Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches and sophisticated emerging wireless technologies.
Human-beings have a double role in the cyber-connected world: as potential offender and potential victim. The focus of BEiNG-WISE will be on how these different human-being features can be combined with the advanced technological characteristics, in order to conceive non-conventional, responsible by design, cyber-security solutions accounting for both these factors. In this complex connected system, another fundamental aspect that needs to be accounted to, is the legal one, related to the conception of solutions that can be effectively employed in the real world. Also, legal aspects should be considered at the design stage. The Action relies on cross-domains expertise, ranging from cybersecurity, wireless communication technology, data science, sociology, psychology and law.
Isabella Corradini, president of Themis Research Center, participates in this Cost Action as co-leader of the WG4 "Human factors in wireless security".
More information: BEiNG WISE