Forensic Socio-Psychological and Criminological Research Center | THEMIS

Projects and Research

The project (launched in February 2024) aims to build an inter-associative Observatory ‘AI for Financial Business Urban Security’ promoted by…
OIKOS MEDITERRANEO - Research: The role of women for a harmonious, integral and sustainable development of the Mediterranean countries. Project start…

Additional Info

  • Anno/Year 2024
BEING WISE (Behavioural Next Generation in Wireless Security Networks for Cyber Security) - COST ACTION 22104 Start date: 22/09/2023 -…
The 2-year project (2021-2022) "A primer Big&Open Data" was aimed at defining an innovative Digital Curriculum to train secondary school…

Additional Info

  • Eventi del progetto

    The final event of the project was held at "Liceo Statale Marie Curie", Giulianova (Italy), May 17  2022  

    Press release (in Italian language) - RAI Scuola

    Press release about the data of the monitoring of the project by Themis Research Centre (in Italian language) Brainfactor

Themis Research Center collaborates with the Programma il Futuro project, carrying out the annual monitoring of the initiative. The project…